A region of just about 100,000 population with a website and print publication dedicated to its food and drink scene? Absurd, or is it? Not if that region is the Yamhill Valley.
The heart of Oregon Wine Country is here, and with it a reputation like no other for its small town culinary endeavors and diversified agriculture economy. The mission of Indulge Yamhill Valley is to celebrate life through food and drink.
An award-winning Pinot or a delectable salmon dinner may be the topic, but the focus of our publication is the people who produce, prepare and Indulge what’s on the table.
Indulge Yamhill Valley produces a quarterly magazine, including the official travel guide to the Yamhill Valley each spring. The Indulge website logs the day-to-day news, events and stories of the area, and provides informative directories for tourists and locals alike.
An ongoing tale that is told in the region is about the tourist who visited the region and wound up moving here. That’s because no matter your length of stay, the Yamhill Valley makes you feel at home. The food and drink scene is a major reason why. And that’s why the content of Indulge Yamhill Valley is crafted with both the local and the out-of-towner in mind.
Hilary Berg is the managing editor of Oregon Wine Press and we are proud to now also have her as part of the Indulge team. Born and raised in Wichita, Kansas, she moved to Oregon in 2000 after graduating from the School of Journalism at the University of Kansas. Hilary has been editor of OWP since 2006 and owns Roots Wine Co. with her husband, Chris. She is mom to Theo, her sprouting 9-year-old son.
Indulge Yamhill Valley is a production of the News-Register Publishing Company, a fourth-generation family owned and operated newspaper and printing company. Other publications include the Oregon Wine Press and many quarterly and annual special sections.